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Wanner oil gun

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Finally found one cheap but it appears to leak badly. I cleaned all the old grease out of it, put a drop of oil in it and tried it on my ransomes, it just seems to let oil out around the shaft rather than out of the nozzle. Does that mean the rubber seal has gone?

wristpin Fri, 14/02/2020

Quite possibly, never had an issue with mine .  I suppose that it is too much to hope that there’s a schematic parts diagram somewhere on line ?

Warpa Mon, 17/02/2020

Quite possibly, never had an issue with mine . I suppose that it is too much to hope that there’s a schematic parts diagram somewhere on line ?

Now i have used it i think it may have been with left over grease in the gun and hard grease in the nipples, its now flushed through and seems to be fine.