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Collection, Preservation and Display of Old Lawn Mowers


The first machine made by Follows & Bate of Manchester, the 1869 "Climax" was the world's first sidewheel mower, dispensing with the heavy land roller; a design which was to prove popular with small lawn owners until the introduction of small electric machines such as the Flymo in the 1950s & 1960s. With its trailing grass box the "Climax" was available in 6, 7, 8 & 10 inch sizes and prices in 1870 ranged from 25/-d to 63/-d. The original patent was No. 964 dated 3 March 1869. Various models of "Climax" continued to be made until the 1930s when the mower was virtually identical to the company's "Magic". One of these late-model "Climax" bears the patent number 379482.