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Atco Commodore B14 runs very fast

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Good Morning all,
I bought an Atco Commodore B14 from 1994 with Tillotson carburetor four weeks ago. A great lawn mower. However, the back roller runs very fast, I have to run after the mower when mowing. Is there any way to slow down the roller? I did not find anything in the operating instructions.
Thank you and a sunny day!


wristpin Thu, 07/05/2020

Atco made the decision for a suitable forward speed with no provision for the owner to alter it.

Suzanne Shaw Sat, 09/05/2020

I have the same machine which I use at my allotment and initially it was too fast to walk behind comfortably. I found by reducing the throttle (had to adjust the carb to run slightly on choke) the speed could be reduced but obviously the cutting blades run slower. Works better on flat, well kept areas but not so good on uneven or long grass. It is a workaround but not ideal.

villiers98 Sat, 16/05/2020

If I recall correctly  the vertical governor link has a plastic nut at the top end  about 13 mm ( a photo of the carb would be useful in case I ve got it wrong ) People screw this down which  then increases the governed max speed of engine and with it the roller speed if run at full throttle .  At full throttle it should only be a brisk walk and no faster. One of the old tachometers with the little wire sticking out  with the loop at the end, which resonates at the speed indicated on the bakelite body is needed. Bet some of the professionals have these still. I guess it should be 3000 rpm max?   Or just close the throttle!