Identifying Popular Makes
Identifying Popular Makes olcadminMany companies have produced lawn mowers over the past two centuries but some are more common than others. These are the manufacturers whose mowers enthusiasts are most likely to find or have in their collections.
There is a lot of information about these companies and their models on this site. If you know the name of the manufacturer or the model you can find it using the site's search box. You can also look in the Collect section to find out general historical information or the Preserve section to find more technical information and copies of operating manuals, brochures, and similar documents if we have them.
We have compiled some general advice pages that contain links to some specific pages about these popular manufacturers. Click on one of the manufacturers listed below to find out more:
- Atco (Charles H Pugh)
- Greens (Thomas Green & Son)
- JP (Jerram & Pearson)
- Qualcast
- Ransomes (Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies)
- Shanks (Alexander Shanks)
- Suffolk (Suffolk Iron Foundries)
A number of members of The Old Lawnmower Club have volunteered to serve as specialists and answer queries about these particular manufacturers and their models.
Our specialists may be able to identify and provide general information such as the date of your old mower. They will normally only be able to provide information about lawn mowers made before about 1970 for companies that continued after that date. Nor will they be able to provide restoration or technical advice such as how to carry out electrical or mechanical repairs. The website, particularly the Forum section, contains information that may be helpful in these areas.
The pages accessed by the links above contain information about how to contact each specialist.