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Collection, Preservation and Display of Old Lawn Mowers

Atco 1954 (?) cuttingblade cylinder broken

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Good evening,

I'm Sandy from Holland, and came across this site through an older friend of mine. He has had his Atco since about 1954. It looks like the one on the front page of this website, but with a battery on it. It has always done it's job perfectly, but sadly the lower blade is broken. I believe you call this a cylinder.

He's a very handy kind of guy, who has got the tools to fix almost anything, and he believes he can make a new blade himself. Only question is: what kind of metal/steel/or -alloy is it made of? Could anyone please help me out, so I can pass the information on to him and he can get back to work on his allotment soon!

Hoping to hear from you,

Kind regards,



Aled Wed, 08/06/2011

I would imagine Carbon Steel would do the trick, though I think the Southport Mower Museum has blades built for the mowers they sell on.

If you could tell me the cutting width of the mower and even better if you could post a photo of it on here I might possibly be able to supply you with a very good condition restored cutting cylinder which would fit the bill.

Sandy Fri, 10/06/2011


The mower width is 14" - so now my friend would like to know what size the carbon steel cutting blade would be. Can anyone help us out? I've got some pictures of it, but can't figure out how to add them...


Aled Sat, 11/06/2011

The one I have is 12", sorry. Can't you use the old cutting cylinder as a sort of guide or is it completley wrecked?