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Useing transfers

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I have just finished restoring my Ransomes Mercury which looks great. However I am unsure how to apply the transfers to the box and chain cover. Any help/tips are much appreciated. Can't wait to use it in the summer.

Many thanks James (The Lawn Ranger).


Dengiebob Sun, 31/03/2013

Hi James nice machine you have got there. I'm very new to this club myself but I might be able to help I would think its very much like putting transfers on model planes cut round your transfer put in a bowl of warm water wait a few seconds and the transfer will start to "lift" from its backing wet your grass box with water and slide it on. I must say getting any help on here is hard I have been trying to find out about my mk13 ransomes 16" cut and only one person has replied!! So I hope I have helped let me know how you get on and I hope to be seeing a picture of your completed machine. Bob

hillsider Sun, 31/03/2013

Hi, I cannot speak for all of the transfers avaiable through the OLC but the Qualcast side cover transfer that I have used was definitely peel and stick and it worked very well. I dont have any useful tips as I am not that good at getting them straight myself!

Dengiebob Mon, 01/04/2013

I would not worry about getting them that straight I would think on a production line making mowers that very little time is given to the application of stickers and transfers!