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Collection, Preservation and Display of Old Lawn Mowers

It's King George V With A Mower

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Was doing a bit of casual browsing this evening and spotted this image of King George V taken in 1915 at Adelaide Cottage. Looks like a Silens Messor to me...

Clive1997 Wed, 23/08/2023

Thanks Keith, I did in fact display this image at the AGM in 2022 as part of the Jubilee display & can add a bit more information.

In 2021 I had various conversations with the curator at the Royal Collection Trust & did advise them regarding the make & model of mower being used, I am pleased to say they have amended their descriptions on this image & two others stating that the mower is a 'Thomas Green & Son Silens Messor machine possibly dated before 1887' as we understand due to the curved handles. 

George's mother Queen Alexandra looks on in the image & Queen Mary captioned the photo 'G. in tall hat'!

I was supplied with information on various other mower images they hold including two more of this Silens Messor as seen below taken on the same day 6th May 1915, the young lad is Prince John (Georges son) aged 9 when the photo was taken, he sadly died fours years later aged 13.

Hope that's of interest.

olcadmin Thu, 24/08/2023

Great additonal info which I am sure will be of interest to our members and visitors to the site.

Thanks Clive