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Collection, Preservation and Display of Old Lawn Mowers

Your Worst Mowing Nightmare

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To commemorate All Hallows Eve and Samhain   

This rather neglected mid-era Silens Messor is in surprisingly good original condition and does in fact still cut grass. A tribute to it's design and manufacture I should really get round to renovating it and adding it to the main collection.

Clive1997 Mon, 31/10/2022

I really think you should focus your efforts on the old tin tub, what a great patina it has:)

stonethemows Tue, 01/11/2022

Many thanks for your helpful advice. The question is - what it is worth when it's done ?

The problem is there are just too many artefacts emerging from this pile ( from an excavated pond ) - tools, bottles, pottery, wagon parts, bones etc. The day just isn't long enough; I've already done  a two man pitsaw for posterity. So far sadly I've not found any old lawnmowers, but you never know.