Atco Royale B30e front roller
Can someone tell how the front roller (bearings) come apart please?
No you are certainly not…
No you are certainly not doing this wrong. It is possibly the case that the relatively limited number of specifically knowledgeable people just happen not to have yet seen this yet or are otherwise unable to respond. My more particular interest is in Victorian machines, quite a number of which I have taken apart and re-assembled, consequently I am not of much help to you.
Frustrating I know but be patient and you may yet get a useful response.
It may be that no one on…
It may be that no one on forum knows the answer, some of us are more specialist with older mowers, assume you have a manual/parts list, a download is available here....
Hope that helps.
Am I doing this wrong, I had…
Am I doing this wrong, I had expected some helpful advice 🤔