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Ajax restoration for a friend.

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A good friend brought over his Mk, 5 Ransomes Ajax for me to check over etc. Now here is something I can't quite explain. With the side frames bolted up and land rolls in place with washer both sides, the cutting cylinder bearing blocks have around 1/8" or more side play. In other words, you can move the cutting cylinder sideways that amount, but I detected no play in the bearings. Now I did not notice this before I took it apart as the bearing block springs were in place. I am now wondering if this has been like this from new and maybe the cutting cylinder shaft shoulders are short on one side or the other. I am now wondering if I should make up a thin diameter washer to take up most of that side play.                                                                I can soon remove the bearings if anyone out there has a cutting cylinder that is stripped down that they could measure.

One other point, does one of the bearing housings float on the shaft. ? That might explain a lot.




sparkymike Thu, 01/08/2024

Now fitting a little better. The bottom block fixing holes leave a bit of room to pull the sides in a tad, so that is done, but still a touch more play than I would have liked to have had. However once the springs are in, that may not notice.
