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Collection, Preservation and Display of Old Lawn Mowers
JP Mini Mower

With it being the JP Centenary this year I thought you may like to see my 1963 JP Mini Mower. It has 6 blades and has a 10" cutting width which I believe gives 52 cuts per yard. I purchased it back in August 2017 a week after I joined the club. I was very grateful for all the help I received from members when I asked for information relating to the mower under the forum topic title 'JP Push Mower Model Enquiry Request' which shows the mower as it was when I bought it.  My mower has a serial number of 2 KETH 62 which I was told by fellow members Henry Ellis and Clive Gravett denotes that it was the 62nd mower made in May 1963.  Only having two small lawns it is ideal.


Rob Bain
