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Greens Monitor Identification

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Hi all

I recently came across a Greens Monitor which although missing a side cover and grass box is regularly used and loved for its performance. Being a OLC member I volunteered my services in finding out its history and age. However despite pouring over many photos I have been unable to find a match for the handle with the Monitor name plate being low down. If any members can shed some light on this design It would be greatly appreciated and may restore some of my credibility.

Many thanks


Greens Monitor

olcadmin Wed, 04/01/2023

Good question Ken.

We have seen examples of the Monitor with this type of handle and occasionally the more conventional design too. Our Mower Profile on the Monitor has some additional info and this image was shared on the site by another member a while ago. Date of your machine is perhaps early 1950s.


RansomesRob Wed, 04/01/2023

Hi folks. Having seen Ken's post on the Monitor I was interested to see another style of Cutting Cylinder Height Adjuster on the mower. My Mk1 and Mk2 Monitor (without the Pram Handle), both have different types of adjuster. I particularly like the adjusters on the MK 1 which are similar to the cutting height adjusters on JP models. I agree with Ken's comment about the Monitor being loved for it's performance, I certainly enjoy using mine and the resulting cut they give is great. Cheers. Rob


Monitor 2

KenG53 Wed, 11/01/2023

Thanks olcadmin and RansomesRob for your comments.

It would seem that apart from this machine being produced sometime in the 1950's very little info is available. From the pictures on the olc website and from the few on sale on e:bay there are none that match the handle configuration although the cutting cylinder adjuster is a common feature.

thanks again, KenG53



RansomesRob Wed, 11/01/2023

More Monitor info. Hi Ken. Thought you might be interested in the photos showing details on Monitor mower models that were taken from two undated copies of Green's sales brochures that I have. I presume the sales brochures were from the 1950s? Cheers. Rob 

Monitor Ad 1

Monitor Ad 2

Trevortsmith Tue, 19/03/2024

Hi all, I also have one of these monitors but need a side cover and name plate. If anyone can help that would be great. Also what was the original colours please. Thanks Trevor.