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Rotoscythe Eton

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I'm having trouble getting a Rotoscythe Eton to run.

It hasn't been started for many years. I can get it to run for 30 seconds but then it stops.

I've cleaned the Zenith 24uh carby, replaced the inlet manifold gasket & head gasket.  

Any tips or advice on the carby (I don't understand the jets) would be appreciated.

wristpin Mon, 06/11/2023

For a start, disconnect the fuel pipe at the carburettor end  and let it run into a suitable container . See if it maintains a full flow for 30 seconds. If the flow slows or falters , try releasing the tank cap. If that restores  the flow , the breather hole in the cap is probably blocked. Full flow for 30 seconds , the issue is within the carburettor. 
If not a fuel issue ,checkout the coil and condenser.