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Trailing seat for Ransomes Marquis or Auto certes photos and width of rollers.

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Can anyone post photos of a Ransomes Marquis or Auto certes trailing ride on seat please. I also need the total width of the rollers.

Was the 20" Marquis seat rollers wider than the 18" model ? I am thinking that the rollers width should be same as cutting cylinder width, as if the rollers on the seat were wider than cut, then the grass would be partly flattened for the next row, if you get my drift. Our local scrap man reckons he has one under a pile of other bits, so I could do with more info.



wristpin Tue, 04/06/2024

Was a seat ever offered for a Marquis or Auto Certes?  Never seen one either in print or in the metal.

sparkymike Wed, 05/06/2024

Hi Wristpin, I was wondering if one was ever offered as an extra. As I am not getting any younger I did think that a seat would ease my back a bit !! Maybe not enough power in the sloper engine to pull one? Maybe one with the rubber tyres and not rollers would work. Many years ago, Ransomes did a mammoth stunt with ride on mowers. Was it Lands End to John O Groats ? Were they Mastiff ?


wristpin Wed, 05/06/2024

The Sloper has plenty of torque and can possibly cope with a trailer seat on the flat. They did a seat for the Twenty Four which had the Villiers F15 and that handled it ok, in fact I’ve only recently sold my Dad’s Twenty Four. I remember reading about the Ransomes run , I fancy it used a Matador but one of the Club’s historians will have the answer.