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Maxwell Scout

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Some interesting correspondence from a non-member in Canada a few days ago. He has a sidewheel mower made by Maxwell of Ontario, Canada with the model name of Scout.

The owner is asking for more information such as date of manufacture. By the look of it, it's from the early 1900s but as we know these types of mower were still being made much later so it's not obvious.

Incidentally, we received a similar query from a different person about 10 years ago when nobody was able to shed any light. However, a basic search of the company name suggests it was in existence from the 1870s until the 1970s. They were certainly making mowers c1900 as I was able to find one of their adverts for a different model.

It's always good to discover new mowers and models, not least because we can add the details to our Directory of Manufacturers and Models.

Clive1997 Sat, 13/08/2022

A good looking mower, have dug out a bit of information, an ad below from The Montreal Star 28th April 1949, appears to be the one. Looks like Maxwell made many different models around that time various names including those familiar to us with English models, examples Wren & Wizard. By the 1950's Maxwell were also advertising power rotary lawn mowers.

Hope this helps.