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Greens Flyweight

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I pulled out my Greens Flyweight mower this weekend. This was  a product of Greens c1956, this is a powered roller mower with an 80cc J.A.P. engine. Available in 14 inch cut only, the "Flyweight" sold in 1956 for £31.18.11d.  I have quite a bit to do to get it going as there's no spark and as you are probably aware I'm not a petrol mower expert so it will probably take a long time for me to sort out. Flyweight makes me laugh as although it's quite a lot smaller than my Suffolk Super Punch it's much heavier. I would hate to handle the heavyweight lol. All in all if I can get it going which I am sure I will eventually, I think it's going to make a really lovely mower. I've included a photo of a batch of Flyweights waiting to leave the factory in April 1956