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Collection, Preservation and Display of Old Lawn Mowers

British Anzani

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We often see reference to the Easimow & Lawnrider but Anzani made a few other models in the 1960's that are less often seen, the Ridamow 24in with a trailed seat & the Powermow, if anyone is keen to tackle a restoration of a Powermow I have located one near Canterbury, Kent, been outside for a while, but the owner who restores motorcycles, considers a restoration could be achieved, has the bonus of the grass box which are often

missing, a few images below, let me know if interested.





hillsider Sun, 28/07/2019

That is interesting Clive, there is a chap who also lives near to Canterbury and collects things British Anzani so I have taken the liberty of forwarding the info on to him.
