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Atco B17 Deluxe fasteners

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Hi, please tell me what the fasteners are on a B17 Deluxe . Starting to put it back together and Ive misplaced a few nuts and bolts, go to my local fastening place and place a couple on the counter and say they are UNF , After a few minutres he returns telling me they are BSF and he hasnt had them in for years .




wristpin Fri, 26/01/2024

Yes, your machine would be of the time when Atco were still on BSF for the fine thread fasteners but the same De Luxe machines then changed to UNF . There was no indication to what you would have other than what you found. Several internet / eBay suppliers of BSF hardware. One that I use is Namrick in Brighton with a good mail order service.

Shop manuals of that era had two part number columns  for each key number .


chirpy999 Fri, 26/01/2024

Very interesting, another lesson learned, I think Ill be able to finish off the build by using metric nuts and bolts on some of the fixings. 

Thanks for the reply.