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Atco b24 collecting grass beside cutting tray

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Atco b24 is now collecting grass to the left of the cutting tray. Keeps turning left. Any ideas? Just started


wristpin Fri, 14/07/2023

Sounds as though you have a couple of issues. Throwing the grass to one side may be due to needing adjustment of the cutting cylinder to the bottom blade or even that the front roller is set lower/ higher at one side.

The mower trying to turn left could be associated with the above, in that one side is digging in , or it could be that the left hand section of the rear roller isn’t driving . If that’s the case it will be necessary to drop out the whole roller assembly and inspect the  ratchet and pawl assemblies on the individual rollers. 
Reads as though it may be time for a good sort out.  As usual, a few images may be useful.