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Atco Commodore B14 Mitsubishi G221P-LSA - governor adjustment

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The governor linkage came loose on the above mower and I cannot find anywhere on the web advising how to adjust it.

Do you lock it in position:

  • With the groove in the spindle showing vertical or horizontal?
  • With the throttle set to fast or idle?
  • With the governor lever being perfectly vertical or what?

Also, how freely should the governor spindle move? Very easily or with a bit of resistance? Mine is the latter.

Can anyone advise on the above - image shown (rotated 90 degrees for some reason?)

Many thanks.Atco Commodore B14 Mitsubishi G221P-LSA governor (2)


wristpin Thu, 21/04/2022

Slacken the nut. Move the arm to full throttle . While holding the arm and throttle fully open turn the slotted shaft in the direction that would give that throttle and arm position and tighten the nut.