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Atco Standard

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I don't own an Atco Standard but out of interest could someone tell me why they have a fan on the side of the engine, what purpose does it serve and what would happen if it didn't have the fan?


olcadmin Tue, 17/10/2023

An interesting question Andrew. So that people know which mower we are talking about I thought it would be worth adding a photo to show a Standard with a fan...

Atco "Standard" Motor Mower, 1921

Mowing Wurzel Tue, 17/10/2023

As the Villiers 2 strokes were originally made for Motorcycles, ATCO fitted the side fan to aid cooling, as  mower ground speeds are considerably less than on a motorcycle.

This then opens the question why lots of other 2 stroke Mowers, e.g. Shanks Wizard, do not have any fan cooling.