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Suffolk Punch 43S Belt running off drive wheels

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Hello all!

Just started to have a problem where the drive belt keeps running off the side of the large wheel which drives the drum. I can't see any way to tension this - or might I just need a new belt?

Many thanks in advance!


N467US Wed, 23/08/2023

One more observation is that I can see the belt moving outwards over the tensioner when the drive lever is engaged - it then very quickly throws the belt exactly in the photo above. Been working fine till now!

wristpin Wed, 23/08/2023

Put a rule across the two pulleys and make sure that they are running in line. Also undo the nut on the end of the cutting cylinder , remove the outer pulley half and you may find one or two shim washers . Removing one or both and transfer to under the nut.  This will effectively shorten the belt.

N467US Wed, 06/09/2023

Finally got round to giving this a bash this morning - and, I can't believe it worked! One washed moved and works as good as new! Thanks so much for your advice!