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Collection, Preservation and Display of Old Lawn Mowers

British Anzani Lawnrider chain

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Hi, I bought an early British Anzani Lawn rider at the club auction in Milton Keynes last week. It needs a drive chain - can anyone advise what size chain is requires? Seems to be a half inch pitch  it I'm not sure what width etc.

Any advice much appreciated. 




wristpin Sat, 23/05/2015

Chains are usually specified by pitch, width and roller diameter so in the absence of a specific answer try taking a sprocket to a bearing supplier ( Power Transmission Factor !! ) and offer up a likely candidate to it.

wristpin Sat, 23/05/2015

That's an interesting site. I'll take a wild guess that the Anzani chain may be the ninth one down in the table 1/2"  x. 3/16" . On the other hand...........!