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suffolk punch type 75G-14 eng model 28A

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Hi Newbee member here.

I have started a full renovation of 17" super punch, having fully stripped the engine and now rebuilding I have noticed that it has different strength valve springs? which wasnt noticed on strip down! one is significantly thicker and stronger than the other. my question is: which is which exhaust or intake thicker? or has someone just put two dissimilar springs in during previous work from differnt mowers? thanks in advance for any advice and I look forward to getting to more familiar with the site in due course.





wristpin Mon, 01/03/2021

Certainly some engines have a stronger exhaust valve spring . Also on some springs the coils are closer together at one end. That is an anti surge feature and the close coils should be positioned against the roof of the valve chest.

mrennals Tue, 02/03/2021

Many thanks for the info I thought it maybe exhaust side stronger but great to have it confirmed, cheers.