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I've got a 14" Suffolk Colt and I need piston rings. How do I know which engine I have, the block is smaller than on my 12" Colt so I'm guessing it's the cast iron one. The numbers stamped on it are: C109336 from what I can make out. 


wristpin Wed, 20/04/2016

The Colt was never available as a 14" so if your machine is of similar construction to the Colt, with the engine sitting on two bars, but with a single height adjuster knob to move the front rollers as a unit it is probably a MkVII (7) Punch or even a 14! Super Punch.

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Ril5211 Wed, 20/04/2016

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Im only guessing it's a Colt because it's very similar to the smaller Super Colt. There are no transferred remaining on the 14" one however. The engine is screwed to a steel plate which is bolted between the side plates, there are no bars beneath. Yes, it has a single height adjuster. I can just make out, from the plate on the cowl, the engine type: 75G-14

hortimech Wed, 20/04/2016

As Wristpin has pointed out, the Colt, super or otherwise, was only 12", what you seem to have is a 14" Super Punch fitted with a cast iron 75cc engine