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Collection, Preservation and Display of Old Lawn Mowers

British Anzani Lawnrider Mk 1 (?) restoration

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Hi all, many thanks for approving my request to join!

My dad and I have just purchased a British Anzani Lawnrider - we believe it's a Mk1 - to restore. It's in a rather sorry state at the moment and mostly in pieces. I am looking for any / all technical articles / manuals / diagrams possible to aid us with the restoration!

Most notable so far are the fact that the mounts for the cylinder assembly are missing. I've seen some photographs and can see a swing mount either side of the engine housing, but also a pedal assembly. These are completely missing. We have the means to manufacture replacements, but obviously without either drawings or lots of good photos we're guessing what should be going on. 

The handlebars are also missing, so if anyone has a tape measure pencil and paper and is feeling generous...

Of course if anyone knows of anywhere good for spares for this sort of thing that would be amazing as well.

Any / all help very much appreciated!


mikehpw1 Thu, 22/04/2021


I've also just bought one that I think is complete, I'm going to strip it shortly so can send you any parts to copy, providing you send them back, where are you based?

Andre Thu, 22/04/2021

That's extremely generous of you Mike, although photos and some dimensions would do if you'd prefer! We are based in Southampton UK.

Andre Fri, 23/04/2021

Lovely job will do. Dad is organising it all in the workshop this weekend and cleaning up what we do have so will try and work out what's missing!